Annual Report

The Meadows Foundation exists to assist the people of institutions of Texas improve the quality and circumstances of life for themselves and future generations.


In the early days of Al Meadows’ career, his company barely stayed afloat. It usually came down to the wire to scrape together enough money to pay the bills. So, when a client with a profitable contract came to Al and asked to back out of the deal, he could have easily said no. Instead, he tore it up in front of the client – no questions asked. He offered to help in the future should they change their mind.

Ninety days later, they did. Without hesitation, Al gave them the same terms as the previous contract. This was how he built his company and his reputation.

I share this story because I believe it captures who Al and Virginia Meadows were. They always had faith in people. Trust, loyalty, and integrity counted for more than money ever did. Wealth was only worth as much as it could help others. They genuinely believed in the ability of their family, their employees, the people they did business with, and their community to make great things happen.

While the world has changed since Al and Virginia’s lifetimes, their values still guide the work of The Meadows Foundation, which they created in 1948 with the sole mission of serving Texas. They were unwavering in their devotion to the people of the state and wanted to improve life here for generations to come.

They entrusted their beloved family with the Foundation’s future. As a member of the Meadows family, I think I can speak for everyone when I say it is both an incredible privilege and an incredible responsibility we take seriously. Three generations of my family have been committed to Al and Virginia’s mission. Now, as we begin to transition to the fourth generation, I can see they are just as dedicated to and excited about this work as the generations before.

One thing I know for sure they will come to understand and rely on is the Foundation’s staff. Whether they’ve been here for 30 years or three months, our staff share the same faith in people and the purpose of our mission as Al and Virginia. Their diverse mix of expertise and perspectives carry on the Meadows’ legacy and carry us forward to best serve Texas.

In 2021, I thought the pandemic might ease up. It didn’t. The staff didn’t miss a beat.

They plowed ahead with the big picture of our work in mind while being responsive to the uncertainty of the moment. Whether it was addressing internet connectivity in rural areas, the massive winter storm aftermath, or the sharp increase of unaccompanied minors at the border, they made great things happen.

What I am most proud of, though, is the relationships they built. Even with everything going on, including in their lives outside of work, they did not lose the personal touch and partnership the Foundation is known for. They exemplified the spirit and character of our founders because no one worked for Al and Virginia. They worked with them.

I invite you to learn more about a few of the Foundation’s staff and their perspectives on the pandemic and 2021.

Look out for each other and be well,

Peter M. Miller
President & CEO

Our Founders

Algur Hurtle Meadows was born in Vidalia, Georgia, in 1899. Virginia Garrison Stuart was born in Ryan, Oklahoma, in 1902 and spent most of her youth in Shreveport, Louisiana. After moving around the south, Al also settled in Shreveport, where they met. They married in 1922. Al worked for Standard Oil by day and studied law at night.

Al left Standard Oil to start his own finance firm and later founded an oil and gas production company. He and Virginia moved to Dallas in 1936 where he built General American Oil Company of Texas into one of the largest independent producers in the nation.

We are often asked why we only give to programs benefitting Texas. After all, it was really Al and Virginia’s adopted home state.

While they gave to causes in Louisiana, Georgia, and other national and international areas, Al and Virginia chose Texas to receive the majority of their wealth as an everlasting gift to the state and its people who had been so generous to them. At the heart of their philanthropy was a commitment to be a perpetual resource for good in Texas.


Eloise Meadows Rouse

Eloise Meadows Rouse (1931-2021) was Al and Virginia’s niece, a teacher, and a force of nature. She served the Foundation as a Board member for six years and as Vice President of Special Projects for 15 years. Her background and love of education led her to develop the Foundation’s Charitable Schools Program, which promoted youth community service in Dallas-Fort Worth middle and high schools. The program ultimately awarded $4.2 million to support planning and implementing service projects.

“Al Meadows would want you to be a good citizen, to love others as much as you love yourself, to help others in need, and to try to leave the world a little better place when your life is over than it was when you started out.”

Eloise Meadows Rouse








Arts & Culture
GranteeGrant PurposeAward Amount
African American Museum, Dallas, TexasToward 2021 membership$5,000
Dallas Museum of Art, Dallas, TexasToward 2021 membership$25,000
Dallas Summer Musicals, Dallas, TexasToward classroom instruction based on the musical Hamilton in conjunction with a free performance for DISD students and teachers$100,000
Encore Park, Dallas, TexasToward the renovation of a historic building to serve as a social impact campus that promotes community cohesion$300,000
Heart of the Hills Heritage Center, Kerrville, TexasToward a new center to serve as the hub for information and history of the Texas Hill Country$50,000
Kathlyn Joy Gilliam Museum, Dallas, TexasToward the restoration of a historic landmark and learning center$43,000
Latino Cultural Center (a fund of Communities Foundation of Texas), Dallas, TexasToward outfitting a new multiform theater space to establish the first two Latino resident theater companies in Dallas$85,000
Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas, TexasToward 2021 membership$10,000
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TexasToward support for the Meadows Scholars Program to recruit top students to the Meadows School of the Arts$10,000
Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TexasTo sustain and build the Meadows School of the Arts and the Meadows Museum to standards of excellence (part of a 10-year, $45 million grant awarded in 2015)$3,144,838
Texas Ballet Theater, Fort Worth, TexasToward emergency operating support due to COVID-19 and the winter storm$75,000

Civic & Public Affairs
GranteeGrant PurposeAward Amount
American Bird Conservancy, The Plains, VirginiaToward a campaign to reduce pollution along the upper Texas coast$75,850
American Forests, Washington, DCToward restoring thorn scrub forests in the Lower Rio Grande Valley$77,000
Austin Pets Alive, Austin, TexasToward continued support for teaching shelter medicine to veterinarians and veterinary students$75,000
Best Friends Animal Society, Kanab, UtahToward sustaining and expanding no-kill practices in Texas shelters$100,000
Catchafire Foundation, New York, New YorkToward providing nonprofit organizations with access to virtual management assistance to increase capacity$280,000
Center for Public Policy Priorities, Austin, TexasToward expanding efforts related to protecting access to affordable health care in Texas (awarded in 2020)$75,000
Communities Foundation of Texas, Dallas, TexasToward support for North Texas Giving Day$50,000
Conservation History Association of Texas, Austin, TexasToward publishing the first book-length biography of Andrew Sansom, founder of The Meadows Center for Water and the Environment$57,500
Council on Foundations, Washington, DCToward 2021 membership$25,000
EcoRise Youth Innovations, Austin, TexasToward advancing climate resilience and preparing the future workforce for green jobs$100,000
Environmental Defense Fund, New York, New YorkToward continued support for advancing groundwater sustainability in Texas$100,000
Generation Citizen, New York, New YorkToward continued support to expand civic education in Texas classrooms$75,000
Houston Wilderness, Houston, TexasToward preserving the coastline along the Houston Ship Channel$100,000
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, Dallas, TexasToward temporary housing, food, and utilities for new immigrants and those seeking asylum$20,000
Human Rights Initiative of North Texas, Dallas, TexasToward supporting legal services for unaccompanied immigrant minors$125,000
Lower Rio Grande Valley Nature Center, Weslaco, TexasToward continuing virtual summer environment camps for children$65,000
National Center for Family Philanthropy, Washington, DCToward 2021 membership$10,000
Parks for Downtown Dallas, Dallas, TexasToward developing green space in Dallas’ Central Business District$200,000
Philanthropy Roundtable, Washington, DCToward 2021 membership$5,000
Philanthropy Southwest, Dallas, TexasToward 2021 membership$6,000
Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated, Washington, DCToward improving water infrastructure in rural communities$100,000
San Antonio Pets Alive, San Antonio, TexasToward emergency operating support resulting from COVID-19$50,000
The Saving Hope Foundation, Fort Worth, TexasToward increasing the number of spayed and neutered animals in Fort Worth$50,000
Sierra Club, Lone Star Chapter, Oakland, CaliforniaToward continuing support for a clean energy campaign$70,000
Solar United Neighbors, Washington, DCToward expanding regional solar co-ops in North Texas$75,000
South-Central Partnership for Energy Efficiency as a Resource, Buda, TexasToward continuing to provide technical assistance to governmental entities to achieve energy efficiencies in the built environment$70,000
Texas 2036, Dallas, TexasToward continued support for a long-term strategic plan to address the needs of Texas’ rapidly growing population$250,000
Texas Coastal Exchange, Houston, TexasToward developing a system to compensate landowners for carbon sequestration and other benefits derived from healthy ecosystems$100,000
Texas Conservation Alliance, Dallas, TexasToward support for a campaign to save migratory birds in Dallas$50,000
Texas Electric Transportation Resources Alliance Education Fund, Austin, TexasToward developing an electric transportation roadmap and helping mitigate the impacts of climate change$75,000
Texas Energy Poverty Research Institute, Austin, TexasToward a solar energy program focused on low- to moderate-income communities$95,000
Texas Environmental Grantmakers Group (a fund of Philanthropy Southwest),
Dallas, Texas

Toward 2021 membership
Texas Freedom Network Education Fund, Austin, TexasToward supporting the Texas Youth Power Alliance’s climate justice initiative$75,000
Texas Hispanic Policy Foundation, Dallas, TexasToward a startup to enhance opportunities and life outcomes of Texas Hispanics through research, modeling, and analytics$75,000
Texas Land Conservancy, Austin, TexasToward strengthening stewardship of conservation easements in critical watersheds$85,000
Texas Rice Industry Coalition for the Environment, Pierce, TexasToward restoring high-quality wetland and prairie habitat on the Texas coast$35,000
Texas Rural Funders (a fund of Waco Foundation), Waco, TexasTo support a consortium of Texas funders focused on the needs of rural communities$60,000
Texas Solar Energy Society, Austin, TexasToward solutions to increase the supply of solar energy$75,000
The Texas Tribune, Austin, TexasToward continued support to build capacity, enhance technology and expand readership$250,000
Texas Water Foundation, Austin, TexasToward continued advocacy for effective water management and conservation policies$150,000
United States Endowment for Forestry and Communities, Greenville, South CarolinaToward introducing the use of Environmental Impact Bonds in Texas for addressing environmental challenges$200,000
GranteeGrant PurposeAward Amount
AVANCE, Inc., San Antonio, TexasToward expanding a home-based, child care provider training program to meet increased demand resulting from COVID-19 (awarded in 2020)$50,000
Big Thought, Dallas, TexasToward support for a program to improve college enrollment rates in Dallas County$75,000
Catch the Next, Austin, TexasToward expanding programs to increase postsecondary completion rates for Latino students$75,000
Center for Vision Health, Dallas, TexasToward establishing the South Dallas clinic$25,000
Central Texas Conference for Project Transformation Central Texas, Fort Worth, TexasToward emergency operating support for a literacy program for children and young adults$25,000
City Year, Dallas, TexasToward support for addressing student learning loss, emotional health, and attendance in Dallas schools$50,000
Collegiate Edu-Nation, Roscoe, TexasToward continued support for an innovative partnership to increase postsecondary completion rates for rural Texas students$100,000
Commit2Dallas, Dallas, TexasToward continued support for a collective impact effort to improve educational outcomes in Dallas County and statewide$350,000
Dallas Leadership Foundation, Dallas, TexasToward a job skills training program in response to the COVID-19 pandemic$100,000
Dallas Morning News EdLab (a fund of Communities Foundation of Texas), Dallas, TexasToward community-funded journalism to deepen coverage of public education in North Texas and across the state$25,000
Dollars for College (a fund of Communities Foundation of Texas), Dallas, TexasToward continued support of a financial incentives program to increase college access for low-income families and students$45,000
DonorsChoose, New York, New YorkToward support for Texas teachers amidst challenges due to COVID-19 and the winter storm Uri$50,000
Educate Texas (an initiative of Communities Foundation of Texas), Dallas, TexasToward improving postsecondary completion rates in Texas$700,000
Education Opens Doors, Dallas, TexasToward continued support to increase postsecondary preparedness among middle school students$100,000
Grantmakers for Education, Portland, OregonToward 2021 membership$3,000
Greater Dallas Asian American Chamber of Commerce Economic Development & Education, Dallas, TexasToward education and employment services for Southeast Asian refugees impacted by COVID-19$50,000
Green Dot Public Schools Southeast Texas, Beaumont, TexasToward developing a district-charter partnership model to increase postsecondary readiness$150,000
Instruction Partners, Nashville, TennesseeToward continued support for rural school systems during COVID-19 recovery$75,000
Jolt Initiative, Austin, TexasToward civic engagement and learning opportunities for Latino Texans$35,000
Kidlinks, Dallas, TexasToward expansion of an online social-emotional platform for children with special needs in Texas community health centers$50,000
Principal Impact Collaborative (a fund University of North Texas at Dallas), Dallas, TexasToward increasing the number of highly effective principals in North Texas schools$111,000
RELAY Graduate School of Education, New York, New YorkToward continuing to expand a competency-based training program to prepare effective public school teachers$150,000
ScholarShot, Dallas, TexasToward support for a digital advising program to increase postsecondary completion rates of first-generation students$25,000
South Texas College, McAllen, TexasToward increasing the postsecondary completion rates in the Rio Grande Valley$289,388
Southeast Texas Family Resource Center Inc., Beaumont, TexasToward supporting students who have experienced learning loss due to COVID-19 school closures$20,000
SustainED Leaders (a fund of Communities Foundation of Texas)Toward development and relaunch of competency-based education leadership programs$100,000
TalkingPoints, San Francisco, CaliforniaToward support for expanding digital technology for English language learners$100,000
Teach For America, Dallas, TexasToward the development of a strong pipeline of alumni educators, school leaders, and other catalytic roles for the state of Texas$300,000
Teach Plus, Dallas, TexasToward continued efforts to train Texas teachers to be advocates for effective education policy$75,000
Texans Care For Children, Austin, TexasToward developing a web-based, interactive dashboard to communicate school readiness metrics and inform statewide priorities$215,000
Texas A&M University-San Antonio, San Antonio, TexasToward research and interventions to increase postsecondary success for Mexican American students in Texas$77,000
Texas Higher Education Foundation, Austin, TexasToward training for higher education leaders and promoting statewide higher education goals$15,000
TexProtects, Dallas, TexasToward increasing the number of and access to high-quality childcare programs serving low-income infants and toddlers$150,000
United to Learn, Dallas, TexasToward a pilot to establish a new and innovative teacher pipeline in Dallas$75,000
The University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington, TexasToward a pilot to train early childhood teachers to better serve at-risk students$50,000
Urban Teachers, Dallas, TexasToward continued support for a program to prepare highly effective teachers in the Dallas area$150,000
Valley Initiative for Development and Advancement, Mercedes, TexasToward continued support for training low-income, Latina women in high-demand occupations$75,000
Year Up, Dallas, TexasToward workforce training for youth and increasing postsecondary completion rates$75,000
GranteeGrant PurposeAward Amount
22Kill, Dallas, TexasToward program support for clinical therapy services for veterans, first responders, and their families$5,000
Association of Persons Affected by Addiction, Dallas, TexasToward continuing recovery support services to individuals affected by mental health and substance abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic$50,000
Bonton Farms (a fund of The Dallas Foundation), Dallas, TexasToward emergency funds needed due to the winter storm$64,000
The Center For Integrative Counseling and Psychology, Dallas, TexasToward replacing an electronic health record system to enhance mental health services$150,000
Children’s Advocacy Center of Smith County, Tyler, TexasToward the purchase and renovation of a facility to expand services for abused children in Smith County$150,000
Children’s Bereavement Center of South Texas, San Antonio, TexasToward support for additional grief services in the Rio Grande Valley related to COVID-19$50,000
Children’s Medical Center Foundation, Dallas, TexasToward creating the Pediatric Mental Health Innovation Center$260,000
Christus Health Foundation, Irving, TexasToward emergency and immediate support and relief to front-line hospital workers during the current COVID-19 surge$100,000
Communities In Schools Dallas Region, Dallas, TexasToward school-based clinical mental health evaluations and interventions for students$200,000
Cook Children’s Health Foundation, Fort Worth, TexasToward emergency and immediate support and relief to front-line hospital workers during the current COVID-19 surge$50,000
El Paso Child Guidance Center, El Paso, TexasToward expanding capacity to provide a continuum of mental health services for children in El Paso$100,000
Gulf Bend Center, Victoria, TexasToward renovating the clinic to expand services and meet clinical certification requirements$250,000
Hill Country Christian Counseling Center, Kerrville, TexasToward telecounseling infrastructure and support for rural Hill Country counties impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic$50,000
Hope Clinic of McKinney, McKinney, TexasToward a medical facility serving low-income individuals of Collin County$50,000
Legacy Counseling Center, Dallas, TexasToward building capacity and expanding telehealth services to better serve individuals with HIV/AIDS$50,000
Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Dallas, TexasToward start-up costs for Baylor Scott & White hospital system to implement initiative to end untreated depression in North Texas$250,000
Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Dallas, TexasToward continued support of a statewide mental health policy institute designed to improve the mental health system of Texas (part of a five-year, $10 million grant awarded in 2017)$2,000,000
Meadows Mental Health Policy Institute, Dallas, TexasTo endow the Linda Perryman Evans President’s Endowed Chair$1,000,000
Mental Health America of Greater Houston, Houston, TexasToward advancing the practice of integrated health care throughout Texas$200,000
Methodist Health System Foundation, Dallas, TexasToward emergency and immediate support and relief to front-line hospital workers during the current COVID surge$50,000
Metrocare, Dallas, TexasToward the construction of a new Behavioral Health Innovation Center to meet the demand for mental and behavioral health services$500,000
Parkland Health & Hospital System, Dallas, TexasToward emergency and immediate support and relief to front-line hospital workers during the current COVID surge$50,000
Patriot PAWS Service Dogs, Rockwall, TexasToward a pilot program to train service dogs to assist first responders and victims of crisis, trauma, or disaster$34,000
RecoveryWerks!, New Braunfels , TexasToward hiring staff to expand free substance use recovery support services for teens and their families in rural Texas$50,000
Special Olympics Texas, Hurst, TexasToward expanding a program to improve the health of people with intellectual disabilities in North Texas$79,000
Texas Association of Community Health Centers, Austin, TexasToward assisting health centers to operationalize telehealth/telemedicine services$100,000
Texas Center for Child and Family Studies, Austin, TexasToward continuing to assist child welfare service providers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic$150,000
Texas Equitable Vaccine Uptake Fund (a fund of Greater Houston Community Foundation), Houston, TexasToward a funder collaborative to increase COVID-19 vaccine uptake in hard-to-reach populations$250,000
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center – El Paso, El Paso, TexasToward providing mental wellness and counseling services for frontline healthcare workers and reducing the COVID-19 infection rate in El Paso County$210,000
Torch Foundation, Round Rock, TexasToward expanding capacity to assist rural health clinics in the state during COVID-19$50,000
The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas, Dallas, TexasToward continued support for integrating a depression screening platform and technical assistance into hospital systems as part of the ending untreated depression initiative in North Texas$750,000
Human Services
GranteeGrant PurposeAward Amount
Aids Interfaith Network, Dallas, TexasToward expanding nutrition and wellness facility serving persons living with HIV$50,000
Amazing Care, Fort Worth, TexasToward a safe home environment for adults who are older, veterans, formerly incarcerated, and/or have a mental illness$5,000
American Red Cross, North Texas Region, Dallas, TexasToward supporting relief operations related to Winter Storm Uri$50,000
Bonton Farms (a fund of The Dallas Foundation), Dallas, TexasToward constructing units of affordable housing for sober living$300,000
Bridges To Life, Houston, TexasToward expanding an innovative program in the Lubbock region to reduce recidivism rates$25,000
Buckner Children and Family Services, Dallas, TexasToward temporary housing for children in foster care during a placement shortage$40,000
Catholic Charities of Dallas, Dallas, TexasTo repair urgently needed facilities and purchase additional COVID-19 testing kits$164,000
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, San Juan, TexasToward emergency humanitarian support for immigrants seeking asylum during the COVID-19 pandemic$150,000
Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, San Juan, TexasToward emergency humanitarian support for immigrants seeking asylum during COVID-19 pandemic$90,000
City House, Plano, TexasToward capital improvements of an emergency shelter for children, youth, and young adults in Collin County$58,000
Connected Nation, Bowling Green, KentuckyToward continuing support for increasing access to broadband technology in rural Texas communities$250,000
Connected Nation, Bowling Green, KentuckyToward continuing support for increasing access to broadband technology in rural Texas communities$250,000
Court Appointed Special Advocates of Ellis County, Waxahachie, TexasToward completing construction of a new facility to support victims of abuse and neglect$75,000
Dallas Eviction Advocacy Center (a fund of Dallas Social Venture Partners),
Dallas, Texas
Toward legal support to prevent eviction of families impacted by COVID-19$50,000
Family Compass, Dallas, TexasToward staff to mentor families at risk of abusing and/or neglecting their children during the COVID-19 crisis$50,000
Feeding Texas, Austin, TexasToward meeting increased demand for food during the COVID-19 health crisis in rural areas$325,000
First3Years, Addison, TexasToward continued support of a project to reunify infants and toddlers in foster care with parents or family members$125,000
The Food Bank of the Golden Crescent, Victoria, TexasToward renovating a building to double warehouse capacity and increase services during COVID-9$100,000
Frazier Revitalization Inc, Dallas, TexasToward improving housing conditions and health outcomes in a South Dallas neighborhood$55,000
Housing Crisis Center, Dallas, TexasToward emergency operating support for programs serving individuals at risk of homelessness$100,000
IEA Inspire Encourage Achieve, Beaumont, TexasToward a new program for juvenile offenders to encourage public service, civic engagement and reduce recidivism$50,000
Meals On Wheels Ministry, Tyler, TexasToward increased operating expenses associated with COVID-19$50,000
Mercy Chefs, Portsmouth, VirginiaToward feeding food insecure individuals and families in the Rio Grande Valley$50,000
Metro Dallas Homeless Alliance, Dallas, TexasToward ending homelessness in Dallas County$500,000
North Texas Veteran’s Relief Fund, Wichita Falls, TexasToward renovating a building as temporary housing for homeless veterans$50,000
Operation FINALLY HOME, New Braunfels, TexasToward support for an innovative partnership between school districts and builders to provide housing for homeless veterans$115,000
Opportunity Center for the Homeless, El Paso, TexasToward housing for elderly homeless women in El Paso$50,000
PWA Coalition of Dallas, Dallas, TexasToward building a housing community to provide independent living for low-income individuals with HIV/AIDS$50,000
Salvation Army Area Command, San Antonio, TexasToward replacing the Emergency Disaster Mobile Feeding Unit$40,000
The Salvation Army of North Texas, Dallas, TexasToward meeting basic human needs of North Texans struggling with poverty, housing, and food insecurity as a result of COVID-19$150,000
The Salvation Army of North Texas, Dallas, TexasToward supporting relief operations related to Winter Storm Uri$50,000
Texas Baptist Men, Dallas, Texas
Toward supporting relief operations related to Winter Storm Uri$50,000
Trinity Park Conservancy for the Josephine Torres Cultural and Community Center
Dallas, Texas
Toward the purchase and conservation of a community center$132,800
United Way of Metropolitan Dallas, Dallas, TexasToward support of rental assistance for Dallas residents impacted by COVID-19$50,000
Val Verde Border Humanitarian Coalition, Del Rio, TexasToward purchasing a transport van$35,000
Wilkinson Center, Dallas, TexasToward the food and emergency support program for low-income and at-risk families in Dallas County$50,000


Board of Directors

Robert A. Meadows
Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Trustee & Director

Dawn Culbertson Peterson

Linda Perryman Evans
Trustee & Director

Olin Lancaster III

Eric Meadows
Trustee & Director

John Meadows

Karen Meadows
Trustee & Director

Peter M. Miller
Trustee & Director

Bill Nesbitt
Trustee & Director

Alfreda B. Norman
Trustee & Director

George Ritzen
Trustee & Director

David M. Rosenberg
Trustee & Director

Jean Silvertooth
Trustee & Director

Joel Williams III
Trustee & Director

Andrew Wilson

Directors Emeriti

John W. Broadfoot

Judy B. Culbertson

Sally R. Lancaster

Curtis W. Meadows Jr.

Sally Cheney Miller

Dorothy Cheney Wilson

Executive Officers

Peter M. Miller
President & CEO

Laura Bowers
Corporate Secretary

Bruce H. Esterline
Senior Vice President for Strategy

Deborah Fitzpatrick
Vice President of Human Resources & Administration

Charles Glover
Managing Director of Grants

Tammy Hampton
Vice President of Human Resources & Administration

Paula N. Herring
Vice President & Treasurer

Robert A. Meadows
Vice President

Meghan Parry
Communications Director

Foundation Staff

Brandon Abbott
Information Systems Analyst

Zimo Banta
Director of Learning & Evaluation

Carol Brabham
Administrative Assistant

Luxor Brothers
Program Associate

Ivan Carrizales
Property Assistant

Danny Chandler
Director of Security & Risk Management

Michelle Chiara
Grants Associate

Tania Curry
Program Officer

Cami Farley
Facilities Manager

Alison Flener

Kimberly Flynn
Executive Assistant

Amanda Fransham
Program Associate

Tanya Fludd

Polly Garza
Senior Administrative Assistant

Patricia Glasgow
Financial Operations Manager

John Hardy
Property Assistant

Mary Jud
Program Coordinator

Bridgette Harper
Executive Assistant

Donny Hawkland
Property Assistant

Steven Herrera
Property Assistant

Regina Joseph

Michael K. McCoy
Senior Program Officer

Deanna Miller
Director of Information Technology

Destiny Nash
Meeting Coordinator

Raymond Pecchioni
Property Assistant

Frank Quintero
Facilities Coordinator

Heather Roberts
Projects Associate

Betty Roddy
Administrative Assistant

Helge Rokenes
Managing Director of Investments

Danny Schluter
Property Assistant

Kathy Smith
Senior Program Officer

Rosie Sosa
Senior Administrative Assistant

Catherine Stringer
Accounting & Finance Manager

Alfonso Telesca
Facilities Coordinator

Alayna Thomas
Human Resources Generalist

Lizette Villarreal
Program Associate

John Wagner
Systems Analyst


December 31, 2021 and 2020

Statements of Financial Position
2021 2020
Cash and cash equivalents  $      2,482,353  $         679,912
Investments      751,696,250      649,350,248
Investments loaned under securities lending agreement                        -        32,049,047
Collateral received under securities lending agreement                        -        33,591,679
Program-related investments, net         22,884,917        22,396,441
Fixed assets, net             273,903             253,524
Other assets             165,278             426,124
       Total assets  $   777,502,701  $   738,746,975
Liabilities and Net Assets
Accounts payable and accrued liabilities  $      1,159,953  $         917,151
Payable under securities lending agreement                        -        33,591,679
Grants payable, net of discount        32,345,562        34,405,177
Accrued pension and postretirement benefits          3,940,616          4,184,054
Federal current and deferred tax payable             609,317             776,295
       Total liabilities        38,055,448        73,874,356
Net assets without donor restrictions
   Designated for J.W. Bullion Fund                        -             457,509
   Designated for Robert Meadows Fund             750,000          1,370,398
   Designated for Jack Hammack Fund             375,000             639,752
   Designated for Linda P. Evans Fund             825,000          1,086,275
   Designated for Mark Meadows Fund             500,000             523,293
   Undesignated      736,997,253      660,795,392
         Total net assets      739,447,253      664,872,619
Total liabilities and net assets  $   777,502,701  $   738,746,975
Statements of Activities
2021 2020
Investment Return
Dividends and interest  $      5,366,609  $      6,933,451
Net realized gain/(loss) on investments 126970242        (9,801,149)
Net unrealized (loss)/gain on investments (14,342,511)        39,338,143
Other income 2,142,991         2,009,174
Investment and related fees (10,336,178)        (9,124,323)
Income and excise tax expense  (1,125,841)           (655,953)
Investment return, net      108,675,312        28,699,343
Grants and Operating Activities
Grants awarded        22,783,665        19,873,348
Program-related expenses         4,044,167         3,792,269
Direct charitable activities            439,526            656,105
Grants management         3,280,903         2,967,475
General management         3,775,152         2,920,351
Total grants and operating activities        34,323,413        30,209,548
Change in net assets from operating activities        74,351,899        (1,510,205)
Nonoperating Activities
Pension and postretirement changes other than the service cost component of net periodic benefit cost            222,735              35,745
Change in net assets without donor restrictions        74,574,634        (1,474,460)
Net assets without donor restrictions, beginning of year      664,872,619      666,347,079
Net assets without donor restrictions, end of year  $  739,447,253  $  664,872,619
Statements of Cash Flows
2021 2020
Cash flows from operating activities
Change in net assets  $    74,574,634  $     (1,474,460)
Adjustments to reconcile change in net assets to net cash used in operating activities:
Depreciation            886,461            877,409
Net realized (gain)/loss on investments     (126,970,242)         9,801,149
Net unrealized loss/(gain) on investments        14,342,511       (39,338,143)
Conversion of investment asset to program-related investment asset         2,080,299                       -
Pension and postretirement changes other than net periodic benefit cost           (202,093)             (82,179)
Changes in operating assets and liabilities:
Decrease in other assets            260,846            263,669
Increase in accounts payable and accrued liabilities            242,802            439,443
(Decrease) in grants payable        (2,059,615)        (5,316,380)
(Decrease) increase in deferred excise taxes payable           (166,978)            373,451
(Decrease) increase in accrued pension and postretirement benefits             (41,345)              19,480
Net cash used in operating activities       (37,052,720)       (34,436,561)
Cash flows from investing activities
Proceeds from sales of investments      588,630,870      198,466,190
Purchases of investments     (549,306,883)     (163,456,908)
(Decrease) increase in cash collateral received under securities lending agreement       (33,591,679)        16,105,615
 Decrease (increase) in payable under securities lending agreement        33,591,679       (16,105,615)
Investment in PRI loan           (200,000)                       -
Capital expenditures           (268,826)           (559,275)
      Net cash provided by investing activities        38,855,161        34,450,007
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents         1,802,440              13,446
Cash and cash equivalents, beginning of year            679,912            666,466
Cash and cash equivalents, end of year  $      2,482,352  $        679,912
Supplemental cash flow information
Income and excise tax paid, net of refunds  $      1,018,578  $                   -
Noncash items
Rent-free lease income         2,136,530         1,999,120
Grants of free office space         2,003,427         2,742,336
Conversion of investment asset to program-related investment asset         2,080,299                       -